Welcome to A Generation's Battle Cry. My prayer is that you will be challenged and blessed by what you read here; and if it inspires you to attempt to do great things for God, to God be the glory!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Official announcing of my newest blog "A True Poem"!

Hello everyone,

My newest blog "A True Poem" has been on the web for a little while, but I realized I hadn't really announced it to you all, except for the few Facebook people who have seen! Sorry! At least there's enough there now to keep you all busy for a little while. I am running it as my personal blog, as I would like to keep the general focus of this one as close to our vision as possible. :) I would love for you all to go check it out and leave your comments at...



1 Timothy 4:12,
Tawney Rae

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Mona Lisa Project, by Lila Rose

Hello everyone.

Sorry that posting has been so delayed lately; life has been busy and filled to the brim and running over with a lot of things... enough to keep me constantly busy or catching my breath. I hope you all understand. I will try to be more consistent here in the future if possible! I thought I would let you know we are going to break the rules of blogging here... :) We are going to delay the series that just "kicked-off", due to the fact I believe the Lord is leading me to speak of other things, and has given some direction as to where He wants it to go...
This little series will be another "vlogging" type of series. This is a project started by Live Action; a teen-ran, pro-life organization, founded by Lila Rose, pro-life activist. I love the passion these teens and young adults put into the work of fighting for the unborn, and I felt led to bring The Mona Lisa Project to you reader's attetion. These upcoming videos are undercover stings conducted mainly by Lila, against Planned Parenthood. In several states in the US, parental consent is necesssary to obtain an abortion. Lila posed several times as a girl under the age of consent, who had been impregnated by her adult "boyfriend", which is considered statuatory rape. When health proffesionals become aware of statuatory rape they are to report it immediately to authorities. Instead, the Planned Parenthood workers would give Lila advice as to how to secretly obtain an abortion through them, without the necessary parental consent, cover up the abortion, and counseled her to continue with the relationship with her "boyfriend". This was  proven to be a regular process at P.P., after investigation was done by authorities following Lila's undercover stings. Sadly, many cases very similar to the one Lila posed have been found. We must open our eyes and realize the deciet that Planned Parenthood offers to young girls, as well as the road it sends them back upon after being sent back to situations of sexual abuse. It is time that our generation stood against the lies of abortion and use our voices to challenge the very giants who are slaying those who are voiceless. Are you willing to be the change that we are waiting for, praying for, in America? Are you willing to stand against abortion and use your voice to raise a cry for the innocent child of the womb?

This is the second video in the Mona Lisa Project; as I could not obtain the first. You can watch the first on Live Action's website, at liveaction.org

God give us a heart for the unborn. For the girls who are being decieved by Planned Parenthood.
Oh God, fogive us now.

1 Timothy 4:12,
Tawney Rae