Welcome to A Generation's Battle Cry. My prayer is that you will be challenged and blessed by what you read here; and if it inspires you to attempt to do great things for God, to God be the glory!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Stay in tune!

Please stay in tune this week for an exciting up-coming post! This Monday, the pro-life activist group Live Action, founded by Lila Rose, will be releasing new footage on their latest findings in the pro-life vrs. pro-choice movement! Will post the video, or link to the page, when it is released!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
-Albert Einstien

Keep in touch!

Tawney Rae

Monday, October 24, 2011


180 is a film produced by Ray Comfort, comparing the horrors of the Holocaust to the holocaust of abortion in our society today. This moved me so much as someone standing for pro-life, and I felt I had to share it here with you all. PLEASE be cautious in watching, though, this film is very graphic, and has real footage of the Holocaust and a few showings of aborted babies/abortions. But please don't let it turn you away from watching it. Only when our eyes are open to seeing this will our passion be truly moved, and we will be willing to stand against the holocaust of our generation.

"Only those who deny history are likely to repeat it."

Are we going to let history repeat itself?

Tawney Rae

The Right To Life.

The Right to Life.
Amen to that.

Love, Tawney Rae

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Abortionists vrs. Terrorists...

We're fighting wars against terrorists, and yet how many are fighting the war against abortion? Why fight another country for their sin if we aren't fighting our own?

Anybody think we have our priorities a little messed up here???

1 Timothy 4:12,
Tawney Rae

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, and THEN... life???

I think everyone has heard the well known words, "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happieness," that we say are God-given rights to all, stated by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence. I have been pondering those words for quite some time, and have come to realize some truths about the phrase that are affecting our society, as well as how if those truths are ignored, how they will affect the hearts and actions of that same society.

There are great effects on a society who replaces God with their own philosophys, opinions, and beliefs. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, held to the view of evolution, and that only those who were considered the supreme race were fit to live... she brought this view into the realm of abortion. As her beliefs grew stronger she made several claims that the unborn child was least fit to live, and that if in any way it would affect the happiness of the mother, the best option for that woman was to kill her unborn child. Because evolution gives every man the right to make their way in the world, no matter what it may cost to those who may appear as inferior to them, it gives them the right to choosing whether their fellow-man may live or die. It gives no value to LIFE, for it is only the survival of the fittest that is at stake, and no other thought is given to the matter. But I challenge that thought. God has told us that all men are created equal. All who have LIFE are given THE RIGHT TO LIFE,  the hope of liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those who challenge this, challenge God and the inate morals to respect life that were placed there by the Creator. He is the author of our liberty, and the One who gives us the choice to pursue happiness. Yet these two truths just stated cannot be had in their God-given sense and order without FIRST giving place to Life at head of the three. If Life is not cherished, where is our Liberty? All our claims to freedom, to the pursuit of happiness, will produce are chains if not guided by a respect for Life. Think only on the many women who suffer post-abortion affects because they chose their "happiness" (of a very temporal sort) over the Life of their child. I regret to submit to you that our Society has spoken the words "Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness" in their God-given order, yet they have lived them in the opposite order. I ask now how long we shall pursue our temporary happiness and "rights" over LIFE, which is much more valueable then either of the aforesaid. My own Mama, as a teen-age mother, had the choice before her to abort me as an easy way out, or to choose my life over her own temporary happiness for a season of life. I praise God she did not abort me. She could have. She has even told me how she was pressured to by some close family... and I would not be here today if she had followed through with an abortion. And I believe God spared my life by His providence, and I live now today as a debtor to that. My Mama is a living testimony of a woman who chose to sacrifice her "liberties" as a woman, and her happiness for a season, to save a life. I am blessed for that. Now I ask you, how are you living out those words from the Declaration of Independence? Are you choosing Liberty and The Pursuit of Happinness over LIFE? Are you fighting for LIFE, if you are a pro-lifer, instead of pursuing your temporary comfort right now? Or do we have it backwards? Only when we have these three in their proper order do we have TRUE LIFE, and one that is in line with the heart and thought-processes of our Creator and God. We must return to Him, and His sacred view of Life for our nation to be healed of this. Only God will change this. Let's turn to Him for LIFE, and LIFE more abundant.

Tawney Rae

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tears Fall...

Another video from the Mona Lisa project. I think that the reality of abortion has become even more vivid and true to me lately. Something that I am seeing we need to take a stand for even more desperately then ever. It's insane that we aren't completely disturbed and shocked by it. Think of all the activists for slavery that stood against such injustice against their fellow-men, or against the threats of Hitler against the Jews, and yet how many people stand against the MURDER OF AN UNBORN CHILD? I don't think that we realize that we're living in history too, here. That this is the genocide of our day, and yet we see it as common-place and aren't even shocked by it anymore. Why on earth are we being silent??? Mrs.Hinman sang a song in Church for us today that spoke of how if we belive something -and I mean, TRULY belive it- that we will speak about it, that we will cry for it,... "tell me why, then, are your eyes so dry?" Why aren't our tears falling for these children? Why aren't our heart's breaking? Oh, God, forgive us. Let our tears fall down, Lord.

This song is called exactly that,... Tears Fall. I love this song because it expresses so well what the people of God should be feeling about this subject, and where our Hearts should be. Someday I would love to have a chance to sing this,...

Listen to it and let your heart be broken, softened and made passionate for change to come.

Let the tears fall down. Let them soften this ground. May our Heart's be found. God forgive us now.

Tawney Rae