Welcome to A Generation's Battle Cry. My prayer is that you will be challenged and blessed by what you read here; and if it inspires you to attempt to do great things for God, to God be the glory!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tears Fall...

Another video from the Mona Lisa project. I think that the reality of abortion has become even more vivid and true to me lately. Something that I am seeing we need to take a stand for even more desperately then ever. It's insane that we aren't completely disturbed and shocked by it. Think of all the activists for slavery that stood against such injustice against their fellow-men, or against the threats of Hitler against the Jews, and yet how many people stand against the MURDER OF AN UNBORN CHILD? I don't think that we realize that we're living in history too, here. That this is the genocide of our day, and yet we see it as common-place and aren't even shocked by it anymore. Why on earth are we being silent??? Mrs.Hinman sang a song in Church for us today that spoke of how if we belive something -and I mean, TRULY belive it- that we will speak about it, that we will cry for it,... "tell me why, then, are your eyes so dry?" Why aren't our tears falling for these children? Why aren't our heart's breaking? Oh, God, forgive us. Let our tears fall down, Lord.

This song is called exactly that,... Tears Fall. I love this song because it expresses so well what the people of God should be feeling about this subject, and where our Hearts should be. Someday I would love to have a chance to sing this,...

Listen to it and let your heart be broken, softened and made passionate for change to come.

Let the tears fall down. Let them soften this ground. May our Heart's be found. God forgive us now.

Tawney Rae

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