Welcome to A Generation's Battle Cry. My prayer is that you will be challenged and blessed by what you read here; and if it inspires you to attempt to do great things for God, to God be the glory!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The fabulous life of a teenager video series, by Alex and Brett Harris, part 2

Hello everyone,

I thought I should be moving on to the next video now, since there are seven total for us to cover. I hope you all aren't afraid of commenting; I want the feedback from you all so I can have an idea when to move on, and to make sure that you don't have any unanswered questions or thoughts. It's also encouraging to know you've visited!  It's important, so leave me a comment!

Please pay close attention to this next video, and when you are done be sure to read the questions below and put your thoughts in the comments!

Wow, what an amazing story; I think we all can echo Zach's story in some way.  We all struggle with some area in our life on speaking out for the cause of Christ, or for those who cannot speak for themselves.  Once we learn to act in spite of our fears and let God speak through us, He will give us strength to overcome our weaknesses and do great, even hard, things for the glory of God.  "Courage is not the absence of fear", someone once said; and like Zach, if you learn to speak out in the midst of fear, you too may become "the most unlikely hero" of your generation.  Our generation needs more Zach's.  Young people who find a cause greater then themselves and their fears, and decide to act even when it is uncomfortable or hard.  I was greatly inspired last year when the Glorybound quartet came through, and one of the singers testified that he suffered from anxiety of even talking one on one with someone; and yet he felt that God wanted him to overcome that obstacle in his life and serve in a facet that challenged his fears.  God's strength was truly magnified by that. If only all of us had the same heart, the same vision; to attempt to do that which challenges us, instead of staying in the comfortable, the status quot of life.  So I challenge you today to find a cause greater then your own fears; to decide today to live doing great things for God.  If more of us would go beyond ourselves- relying on God -we could change the heart of this generation for Christ. 

    Will this world remember you were here for what you did for the cause of Christ and others?
                                 I pray they will remember our generation...
                                                                 That we lived for more then our self. 

The teens of our generation have the choice now -it is in our hands- we can decide to find our purpose and raise a cry for the world to hear. It's up to you now; what will you choose? The status quot and comfortable, or a life driven with purpose and passion?

Questions for you:

What fears keep you from doing what God put you on this earth to do?  Or are you doing what God wants you to in spite of your fear, etc.?
If you are pursuing what God has called you to, how are you overcoming the obstacles you face?

"Courage is not the absence of fear". How do you display that in your daily life as well; such as witnessing, speaking out about the truth on subjects that are not p.c. or popular (such as abortion, modern-day slavery, etc.)? 
Have you sought God and asked Him to show you if He would have you to be actively involved in fighting lies our generation faces daily (like Zach Hunter, and many many others who will be posted here as time allows) ?  If He has given you direction, are you acting upon it?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments, and join me as we continue this discussion very soon.

1 Timothy 4:12,
Tawney Rae

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