Welcome to A Generation's Battle Cry. My prayer is that you will be challenged and blessed by what you read here; and if it inspires you to attempt to do great things for God, to God be the glory!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why "A Generations Battle Cry" ?

  You may ask why I named this blog A Generation's Battle Cry. I will explain as best I can, and give you all an idea of what I have purposed for the theme of most of my posts to be:

 I have been realizing more as I go through my teen years how many lies the teens of America have been brought to deception and defeat by. We are told that when we hit 13 we are to be rebels, we are to live a life of uselessness, simply for self and for what we want now. I believe instant-gratification is probably best practiced by the young generation of the U.S., and it has become the normal, even expected, to see this in a teen.  We live for now, instead of using this time that is void of major responsibility to prepare for greater things.  The teen has the capability not only to prepare for great things in the future, but to do great things now... yes, I said now.  There are many that are already recognizing the lies put forth to teens across the country (and around the world) , and have decided to raise a standard against it.  (More on a few of them in later posts).  This is a culture-war that many teens are deciding to fight, and I believe that if enough of us decide to be the change that so many long for in America's teens, we will see the change.  A war is on the hands of the young generation of America, to fight for the next generation.  It's up to you now to make that choice to come alongside and fight, to raise the battle-cry... to be quiet no longer... will you join them?

The topic of many of my posts will be on different young men and women who have decided to go against the expectations of teens in our culture, and how we can also raise up a standard for the Lord in our society.  So please follow along as we dive into some important subjects very soon.  And be sure to place your thoughts, questions, or post topics you'd like to see in the comments.  I'd greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts on the posts, even if you are not a teen.  Parents, we want your thoughts on these subjects: what you wish you might have done differently as a teen to prepare for adulthood, and what you think you should see in us as teens.  You were once "the next generation", so help us along to raise up the next generation for God's glory!  God bless you all!

1 Timothy 4:12,
Tawney Rae


  1. Tawney my dear! It's so good to hear from your heart again! I'll be praying for you honey! Love ya!

    Ann (Miller) Ward :D

  2. Aw, my An!!! I miss you, dear! I have been praying for you both....I love you, please stay in touch!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. so true!! <3 you tawn! and praying for you!! :D
